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Root Disk


The root disk of Hyperstack virtual machines is used for storing the operating system and essential system files required for the VM to boot and operate. This disk is provided using local Non-Volatile Memory express (NVMe) storage which offers the lowest possible latency because it is placed inside the system chassis, eliminating the need for network-based communication. However, it's important to note that in the event of a system or disk failure, any data stored on this disk will be lost when the customer's Virtual Machine (VM) is rescheduled to a new node. Therefore, it's essential to consider the specific workload demands and potential risks before utilizing this storage option for critical data.


The root disk is automatically mounted to the VM during deployment. Please be aware that for most flavors, this disk is limited in size as the active workload runs on Ephemeral storage. Ephemeral storage offers faster read and write speeds but lacks data redundancy since the data is only stored during runtime. For persistent storage, consider using Shared Storage Volumes, which provide data redundancy but have slower read and write speeds.

Please refer to the following page for details on disk configurations for each of our flavors:

NVMe passthrough

NVMe passthrough enables a virtual machine (VM) to access and utilize a physical NVMe storage device directly. This direct communication between the VM and NVMe storage offers high-speed, low-latency access, bypassing the hypervisor.

NVMe passthrough is available for the 8x A100-80GB-PCIe w/ NVLink GPU flavor in CANADA-1 region.

On your virtual machine, you'll see this storage device represented as /dev/nvme0n1.


NVMe passthrough is currently exclusively available for contracted customers. For inquiries, please reach out to our team at

Supported operating systems

Any operating system capable of supporting VirtIO-type devices, including Windows and Linux.

Datacenter availability

Available in all regions on all GPU-enabled systems.


Customers are billed based on the size of the root disk for the virtual machine flavor used.

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