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Retrieve URL for VNC Console


Retrieves the URL to access the VNC console for a specified virtual machine. Include the ID of the virtual machine for which to retrieve the VNC console and the job ID returned from GET /core/virtual-machines/{id}/request-console.

Path parameters

id integer   Required

The ID of the virtual machine for which to retrieve the VNC console.

job_id integer   Required

The ID of the job corresponding to the VNC console.


status boolean

Indicates the success or failure of the request to retrieve the VNC URL for a specified virtual machine. true indicates success, while false indicates an error.

message string

A message confirming the successful retrieval of the VNC console URL.

vnc_url object

An object containing information about the retrieved VNC console.

Show child attributes
id integer

The ID of the VNC console.

vnc_url string

The URL for the VNC console of the specified virtual machine.

Example request
curl -X GET "{virtual_machine_id}/console/{job_id}" \
-H "accept: application/json"\
-H "api_key: YOUR API KEY"
"status": true,
"message": "string",
"vnc_url": {
"id": 0,
"vnc_url": "string"


Returns the status of the request, a message describing the status, and the vnc_url object containing the ID of the VNC console, and the URL to access the VNC console for the specified virtual machine.

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