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Key Pairs

A set of operations for importing and managing SSH key pair resources.

Endpoint NameURLDescription
List key pairsGET /core/keypairsReturns a list of your existing SSH key pairs.
Import key pair /core/keypairsImports an SSH key pair.
Update key pairPUT /core/keypair/{id}Modifies the name of an existing SSH key pair.
Delete key pairDELETE /core/keypair/{id}Deletes a key pair.

The keypairs object

Keypairs endpoints return the keypairs object, offering comprehensive details about your SSH key pairs. This includes the name, environment, public key, creation timestamp, fingerprint, and ID.

Attributes of the Keypair object

id integer

A unique identifier for the key pair.

name string

The name of the key pair.

environment string

The environment name associated with the key pair.

public_key string

The public key associated with the key pair.

fingerprint string

The fingerprint of the public key for identification purposes.

created_at date-time

The timestamp when the key pair was created, presented in ISO 8601 format.

"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"environment": "string",
"public_key": "string",
"fingerprint": "string",
"created_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"

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